Patient Stories

Read first hand accounts of successful cancer treatments

Prostate Cancer

Peter’s Story

A cancer diagnosis is a traumatic event. It can also be a learning experience. After diagnosis, Peter began comprehensively researching prostate cancer treatments, including interviews with about 30 people from all over the country. His goal was to find the least invasive, most practical treatment

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Prostate Cancer

Warren’s Story

Most people, like Warren, worry about surgery – the procedure and its potentially debilitating side effects. After choosing a non-surgical alternative for his care, the CyberKnife® System, Warren chronicles his experience through one week of treatments. Listen to Warren and his oncologist discuss each of the five

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Prostate Cancer

Paul’s Story

It takes a village to handle and survive metastatic prostate cancer, a prostate cancer that has spread to bones or lungs or lymph nodes and elsewhere. And one of the crucial aspects of that village, for me, has been the CyberKnife® Robotic Radiosurgery System, a

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Prostate Cancer

Clyde’s Story

Prostate cancer is the most common cancer in men living in the United States. The American Cancer Society estimates that 233,000 men will be diagnosed with prostate cancer in 2014. Men with a family history of prostate cancer, Vietnam veterans exposed to Agent Orange, and

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Prostate Cancer

Jeff’s Story

Jeff, a NASA engineer and golf enthusiast, found himself working for the Apollo Space Program in Texas forty-five years ago. Jeff was involved in all of the Apollo/Saturn space launches up until the now infamous “Apollo 13” mission. After his tenure with the Apollo Space

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Prostate Cancer

Charles’s Story

Charles knew just who to turn to when he was diagnosed with prostate cancer. His daughter Janice isn’t a surgeon or a urologist, but she is a radiation therapist who works everyday with cancer patients at Baylor University Medical Center at Dallas. In January 2007,

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Prostate Cancer

Scott’s Story

What he thought was an ordinary drive home from watching a spring training baseball game in Ft. Myers, Fla., turned out to be a defining moment in Scott’s life. On March 24, 2006, Scott, his wife Cathy and a couple of friends enjoyed an afternoon

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Prostate Cancer

Gerhard’s Story

Prostate cancer is the most common malignant tumor in men, affecting approximately 30% of all men at some point in their lives. More of those men are opting for CyberKnife® radiotherapy procedures instead of surgery. Watch Gerhard, a retired man in his 70s, discuss his

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Pancreas Cancer

Marie’s Story

61-year-old Marie knew something was wrong when she began feeling intense abdominal pain during her water aerobics classes. An uncomfortable combination of pain and nausea prompted the Boston native to make a doctor’s appointment, where she was told that she might have pancreatic cancer. After

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Lung Cancer

Jean’s Story

“It’s all gone now.” 91-year-old Jean was plagued by lethargy, coughing fits and other ailments. Her doctor suggested the CyberKnife® System after Jean was diagnosed with lung cancer, and surgery was deemed too invasive and risky. Amazed that treatment required only four 30-minute procedures, Jean

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Lung Cancer

Judith’s Story

Judith, a busy real estate asset manager, mother and local volunteer was rushing to get to a routine chest scan scheduled right around the winter holidays in 2004. Due to overbookings at the hospital she was tempted to reschedule her appointment for a later date

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Lung Cancer

Kay’s Story

Kay was alarmed when she struggled with loss of breath after a short walk with her dog. After visiting an oncologist, she was diagnosed with Stage 1 lung cancer. She was told surgery and chemotherapy was the only treatment option. That wasn’t good enough for

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Please note: Accuray is the manufacturer of the CyberKnife®, TomoTherapy®, and Radixact® Systems. As the manufacturer, we are unable to provide specific medical advice, view medical records, or schedule appointments.
Privacy Disclaimer: To protect your safety, please do not provide your personal or sensitive information, such as your medical history, on our websites. By entering any information on our websites, you understand and agree that such information will be transferred to Accuray Incorporated in the United States. Please read our Privacy Policy.
Important Safety Statement: Most side effects of radiotherapy, including radiotherapy delivered with Accuray systems, are mild and temporary, often involving fatigue, nausea, and skin irritation. Side effects can be severe, however, leading to pain, alterations in normal body functions (for example, urinary or salivary function), deterioration of quality of life, permanent injury and even death. Side effects can occur during or shortly after radiation treatment or in the months and years following radiation. The nature and severity of side effects depend on many factors, including the size and location of the treated tumor, the treatment technique (for example, the radiation dose), the patient’s general medical condition, to name a few. For more details about the side effects of your radiation therapy, and if treatment with an Accuray product is right for you, ask your doctor.