Side Effects

Potential side effects of CyberKnife treatment for prostate cancer

Most radiation side effects are minimal and last only a short time. Side effects can, however, sometimes be severe because of rectum or bladder wall exposure to radiation. Possible side effects could include, but are not limited to:

Ask your doctor for more details about potential side effects associated with your specific radiation therapy treatment.

Managing side effects with your medical team

Prior to beginning CyberKnife treatment, your medical team will discuss all possible side effects and may prescribe medication to control any side effects, should they occur.

Protecting healthy tissue — protecting quality of life.

Despite the higher dose rate associated with SBRT, multiple studies have validated that there are no worse side effects with CyberKnife SBRT than with traditional radiation.1 Unlike any other radiation treatment, the CyberKnife System continually tracks the target and automatically adapts the radiation beam for movement of the prostate in real-time throughout the entire treatment session. With this automatic motion tracking and synchronization, the CyberKnife System enhances your treatment team’s ability to maximize the radiation dose delivered to the target, while minimizing dose to surrounding healthy tissues to reduce negative side-effects on urinary, bowel, and sexual function that can impact a patient’s quality of life. The majority of patients can continue normal activity during and immediately after treatment.

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1. King CR, Freeman D, Kaplan I, et al. Stereotactic body radiotherapy for localized prostate cancer: pooled analysis from a multi-institutional consortium of prospective phase II trials. Radiother Oncol 2013; 109(2): 217-221.

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Please note: Accuray is the manufacturer of the CyberKnife®, TomoTherapy®, and Radixact® Systems. As the manufacturer, we are unable to provide specific medical advice, view medical records, or schedule appointments.
Privacy Disclaimer: To protect your safety, please do not provide your personal or sensitive information, such as your medical history, on our websites. By entering any information on our websites, you understand and agree that such information will be transferred to Accuray Incorporated in the United States. Please read our Privacy Policy.
Important Safety Statement: Most side effects of radiotherapy, including radiotherapy delivered with Accuray systems, are mild and temporary, often involving fatigue, nausea, and skin irritation. Side effects can be severe, however, leading to pain, alterations in normal body functions (for example, urinary or salivary function), deterioration of quality of life, permanent injury and even death. Side effects can occur during or shortly after radiation treatment or in the months and years following radiation. The nature and severity of side effects depend on many factors, including the size and location of the treated tumor, the treatment technique (for example, the radiation dose), the patient’s general medical condition, to name a few. For more details about the side effects of your radiation therapy, and if treatment with an Accuray product is right for you, ask your doctor.